Thursday, April 08, 2010

Class Action Settlement - Lawn Mowers

I got a postcard today asking if I had purchased a lawn mower with a gas engine up to 30 horsepower sometime between 1994 and 2010. If I had, I “could receive benefits from class action settlements.” I am given until the end of August to file my claim.

I looked online at the claim form. Before being able to enter any data, there is the following:

“Please be sure you have the following information for each lawnmower you wish to claim:
1. Lawnmower Brand
2. Lawnmower Id Number
3. Lawnmower Engine Brand
4. Lawnmower Engine Model Number”

Well, who among us has NOT purchased one or more lawn mowers over the last SIXTEEN years? Using me as a possible model consumer, I can think of at least four I have purchased, three of which have made it to land fills or junk yards. So, at best, I can enter information for one lawn mower.

The question I want to ask: Is it worth my while to trek out to the barn and try to accumulate the required information? What are my potential benefits for getting on my knees and wiping away three years’ worth of grease, grime, and petrified grass from my mower? I am told I can receive the following:

1. Cash payment of “up to $35 for a walk-behind mower,”
2. “an agreement by certain Defendants to extend warranty benefits, and/or”
3. “to use a new ‘Certified Power Rating’ standard.”

In addition, I am told “If claims exceed the amount available for cash payments, payments will be reduced.”

Bring tears to your eyes, doesn’t it. Let’s see. I can get “up to” thirty-five whole dollars. I can possibly get a warranty extension and/or a new “Certified Power Rating” (whatever that is) on a three-or-four-year-old mower that, so far, runs just fine and does a good job doing what it’s supposed to.

Really, I would like to be in court at the hearing on June 22, 2010 where they “consider whether to approve the Settlements and a request for attorneys’ fees.” Bet those dudes get more than “up to $35.”


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