Sunday, May 16, 2010

Rain Barrels and My Pool

I got the idea from the young man who cleans my pool. He backflushes the pool to clean the filter. Water from the pool gushes out onto the ground to go wherever it wants. He suggested we get rain barrels to collect the water and then we could use it when needed to water plants and our berry vines.

I contacted some local people I had met at Chesterfield’s Earth Day celebration, Robinson’s Rain Barrels. The nice young couple who have this fledgling business came out and I contracted with them to furnish me with what I needed and install it. It works!

The chlorine from the pool water quickly evaporates so the water is safe to put on my raspberry and blackberry vines nearby using a soaker hose. This will be wonderful in the heat of the summer when rain is scarce. Good idea!


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