Thursday, October 21, 2010

Missouri Prop B

I certainly agree that we should do something about "puppy mills," which, by definition, it seems, are places where dogs and puppies are kept in unsafe and unsanitary conditions. So, we have Prop B on the ballot this coming month. I encourage you to go to the state's website and read the full text of the proposal (rather than what people pro or con are saying it says). In reading the text, I have some questions.

"4. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person may have custody of more than fifty covered dogs for the purpose of breeding those animals and selling any offspring for use as a pet."

QUESTION: What does this do to large-scale, responsible breeders, who are not “puppy mills” in the sense contemplated by this law?

"(4) ”Sufficient housing, including protection from the elements” means constant and unfettered access to an indoor enclosure that has a solid floor; is not stacked or otherwise placed on top of or below another animal’s enclosure; is cleaned of waste at least once a day while the dog is outside the enclosure; and does not fall below 45 degrees Fahrenheit, or rise above 85 degrees Fahrenheit."

QUESTION: The upper and lower degrees Fahrenheit seem arbitrary to me. I have had outside dogs for years. While they sleep in insulated dog houses, I believe the temperature limits shown in the proposed law are exceeded on both ends. Since my dogs are happy and healthy and long-lived, I wonder where these limits came from. Nice generalization, but not necessarily applicable in all situations.

"(5) ”Sufficient space to turn and stretch freely, lie down, and fully extend his or her limbs” means having (1) sufficient indoor space for each dog to turn in a complete circle without any impediment (including a tether); (2) enough indoor space for each dog to lie down and fully extend his or her limbs and stretch freely without touching the side of an enclosure or another dog; (3) at least one foot of headroom above the head of the tallest dog in the enclosure; and (4) at least 12 square feet of indoor floor space per each dog up to 25 inches long; at least 20 square feet of indoor floor space per each dog between 25 and 35 inches long; and at least 30 square feet of indoor floor space per each dog for dogs 35 inches and longer (with the length of the dog measured from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail)."

QUESTION: First, many dogs (especially pack dogs like hounds), tend to sleep in bunches rather than needing lots of space per dog. And why is all this related to indoor space? Why not outdoor enclosures or dog runs? This seems to imply that all dogs must have indoor space. Is this reasonable and useful all year round? Also, see my question above on temperature limits.

So, read the text of this (and all proposed propositions and amendments to the constitution). Also please look at what organizations are for or against this or other propositions before you make up your mind to vote "yes" or "no."


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